Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I received a post by a lady who wanted to share an experience with me.  I asked her if I could share with you as well.  I think each of these stories I receive from others has a gift woven within.

Here is her story:

"I was a CNA (certified nursing assistant) in a nursing home when I was younger and the first time someone passed away I, too, ran and cried. It was hard but I learned a lot about death and near death experiences.

My husband took his life when I was 28 years old.  I was young and scared with a son, 2 years old.  One week after he died he came to me.  It was not a dream.  He woke me up and told me he was sorry and that he'd always be watching out for us.  He even told me to look in our dictionary under the letter L and I would find some money he'd put there.  I asked him to stay and he said he couldn't.  He kissed me and walked out the front door.  Becki, I can tell you that I was at such peace when he left.  Even the lighting in the room was soft and beautiful  And this was at night and there were no lights on.

I told my sisters and friends but at the time they just thought I was dreaming and grieving.  What I couldn't get them to understand is that he brought me such peace and comfort that night.  Funny thing was my sister was with me the next morning when I got out the old dictionary.  I think she believed me after that.

It was a long time ago when that happened, but I know whose hand I'll reach for when I go home.  Even typing this brings that peaceful feeling back to me.  Hope you can read this as my cat is hanging over my arm. He sends his love too.

Love you and bless you, Jean"

Of course we know that not everyone is gifted with these visits, but those who tell us about their visions, or visits remind us that our loved ones do care about us even after they are in another realm.  All of these people who are sharing with me help me to remember how precious our relationships are every day.  I want to make sure I tell my husband I love him madly before he leaves for work each day.  I want to send text messages to my grandsons and phone calls to our daughter, touch base with my Dad and sisters, email or call friends...just to say "Hello! I am thankful for our journey together, I am blessed by your presence in my life, and in God's timing, the circle will be unbroken." It is all brief and fragile and precious! Embrace your gift of Life! You matter to so many on more than one level!

In Love and Light!

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